Monday, February 3, 2025

My Patriotic Cat At Offices Of Shhhh! Digital Media...

Patriotism And Intercontinental Patronage 

Creamsicle, my cat seated ever so comfortably on one of the shelves of my wall unit here, is clearly upset about this whole trade war and tariffs issue between us and our neighbours to the south.

I completely support the measures that Canada has taken to protect our stake in this issue, but it is a travesty that it has come to this at all, especially with such strong trade partners whose revenues benefits the trio of economies that grace our continent: Canada, The United States Of America and The Federal Republic Of Mexico.

Hopefully, we can figure this out to the amicable ends of all involved before there's serious economic damage, while benefiting from the measures used to tighten our metaphorical belts during this crisis.

Until then, Creamsicle will be waving that flag as long as there's easily affordable soft catfood to be had. 

When it runs out, we might have a cat revolution on our hands...

By the way, I have a plethora of comics on my walls like the one you see in the image with Creamsicle. Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Shhhh! Digital and even John Woo.

The Answer Is In The MIDI

In other news, I almost had an 88 key MIDI keyboard to replace the 49 key keyboard that finally broke down a few months ago, and for a reasonable deal, but the bank had to go and put a hold on my (GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO TAX REBATE) cheque, because the issuing bank wasn't the Bank of Canada. With my customer track record at that bank, I would have thought they could have made a concession in my case, having banked with them for more than twenty years, but alas, no such concession could be come to.

Not only that, but my own identity was denied me simply because I wasn't carrying enough ID on me to verify at the bank, which led from there to a whole bunch of dweebs taking my identity from me and attempting to replace it with that of someone else. You know how cults are nowadays.

However, the clerk who helped me through this situation was awesome and did their best to help me, against a wall of bureaucratic measures meant to keep my money tied up for as long as possible. Banks need more clerks like her, who act as liaisons between the bureaucracy and the customer, who essentially are the primary holders of their financial assets. Banks rent assets from their customers to make money. Heroic clerks like the one I had deserve more power to represent their clients, and should be financially higher valued by those whom employ them.

Hopefully, the person selling it can hold out until the end of the week, but I can''t expect that of a person who probably needs the money themselves. That keyboard would have gone to the use of content production for Shhhh! Digital Media, and the future of what will be its flagship storytelling medium, something into which I've literally invested well over two thousand hours of work, and over a thousand dollars of cash.

So, to those you denying me of my own identity, or outright stealing it, take a hike.

To the awesome fellow whose deal it was I almost had the chance to buy, sell it if you can, but if you can wait until this Friday February 7, and I'd be most grateful if you could.


I'll be working on The Two Butterflies Episode 13, and Unfinished Bee's Wax mostly, but given the recent trade war, I've decided that I'm definitely going to crank the priority of Way Of The Warrior, and Suffragium Per Proxy over the course of this month and into March.

This week will focus on Two Butterflies and Unfinished Bee's Wax, while next week will see a return to Way Of The Warrior and Suffragium Per Proxy.

I'm working with an old friend of mine in attempt to get some concept and final artwork up for Two Butterflies, and if we can figure out a workflow, we should be able to have the artwork up quickly. If not, then I'll stick with my usual workflow and try to have some up by the end of the week.

I hope that you've been enjoying the new content, and I'll see you soon.

Brian Joseph Johns, whether you believe it or not, but if you don't, then perhaps I'll just sit tight and instead work on some other projects that I have for a year.

Thank you sincerely to my honest readers, and to hell with the people taking "thank you" or any other aspect of my being from me. My gratitude is not up for grabs and certainly not for sale.

Words to live by: Enjoy life. Help to live.

This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.