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Excerpt From: Tales Of The Sanctum - A Lady's Prerogative III: Singularity (currently unpublished)
"I thought I told you! You can't tie your horse here!" Pascal scolded the older man.
"Why not?" Askuwheteau asked his son.
"Because this isn't for horses! Its for bikes!" Pascal responded, his arms waving wildly as he spoke.
"One rides bikes as they do horses..." Askuwheteau responded with sound logic.
"Yes, but bikes don't poop!" Pascal shot back at his father.
"What about that one!" Askuwheteau pointed out one of the bikes, a hybrid electric that was leaking oil onto the polished granite flooring surrounding the building.
"That's not poo. That's oil. There's a big difference," Pascal responded.
"I know. We can grow food in poo, but not oil," Askuwheteau reasoned soundly.
"Look, I don't want to get into this with you again. We'll talk right here. What do you want today?" asked Pascal of his estranged father.
"A place to tie and water my horse," Askuwheteau replied.
"...and after that?" Pascal continued, condescending the older man.
"I wanted to talk with my son, Rising Bear," Askuwheteau looked around without looking directly at Pascal.
"I'm right here. So talk!" Pascal stood his ground.
"You're not Rising Bear. You sound like him. You even look like him. But you're not him," Askuwheteau replied to his son.
"You're right! I'm Pascal... your son! You just can't accept that I've gone my own path, dad!!!" Pascal responded honestly, his voice becoming louder and more pronounced to his father for the first time in a long time.
A smile crossed Askuwheteau's face.
"That's Rising Bear... Ok, we can talk," Askuwheteau, nudged his horse Otaa Dabun with his elbow as if there were some kind of inside joke between the two.
Otaa Dabun whinnied, rubbing his snout on Askuwheteau's shoulder afterward.
Ruminations: No matter where you go, there you are, so don't go anyplace you might accidentally step in it.