Do I Work?

Hi again. Brian Joseph Johns here.

It seems that the issue as to whether I work or not has come up recently, and I've decided to answer deal with that question here.

First of all, as a business owner (yes, Shhhh! Digital Media is a legally registered business), I spend many hours working on aspects of Shhhh! Digital Media that never becomes content on the website. Instead, its all the things necessary to keep Shhhh! Digital Media going, and that includes sticking to a plan for the future.

Most (certainly not all) businesses and startups don't turn a profit in the first two years of their operation, and for some, this initial phase of founding a business can be even longer, especially when you consider how long it takes to get sizeable or concept rich projects off of the ground.

Outside of what you see here on Shhhh! Digital Media, there has been lots of work to keep all of that going and it has been a struggle. That load falls directly in my lap, alone.

Then there's the actual writing and content production (all of the writing and most of artwork is my duty). That work takes up another slew of time, and that part is and can be very hard work at times. Not physically hard, but mentally.

Finally, there are the future projects. The ones that you won't see for some time but which are being worked on while the content on the website is being produced and the aspects related to running the business are worked on.

Do I work? Absolutely. Every single day (six days a week, sometimes seven). Most weeks I clock about 50 hours, but that doesn't include all the off hours time I put in as well, which would bring my weekly hours to about 70 or 80 hours a week. My record week is 100 hours.

Do I get paid for all of that? Not as much as I'd like to be paid, but that will come in time, because its an investment.

I do my budget every two weeks, for the business and for my own personal life on a spreadsheet (bills, grocery etc) as I like to be efficient.

So the answer is, that I do work and I work very hard every week to ensure that the content keeps coming on Shhhh! Digital Media.

I don't say the opposite of what I mean.

This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.