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Hi again. Brian Joseph Johns here. CEO, Artist and Writer of everything here on Shhhh! Digital Media.
I've been busy spending the last two days writing for the upcoming new Episode of the Two Butterflies, Episode 12, which will see the first few chapters published soon in an upcoming post.

When I do publish this episode, its going to make things a little different than they are now. This is the one that's going to change things.

Don't worry though, nothing too drastic. Heylyn Yates will still be Chinese as she has always has been, while the story will be centered around her group of friends: Alicia Westin, Monique Defleur, Valerie Aspen, Aikiko Tanaka, Kori Jonglyu, Zheng Ni Wong, Walton Norler, Helmet Werner, Gregory Epsen, Bryce Maxwell, Stephen Briggs and many others.

The story continues as they struggle against a secretive collective who've seemingly developed powers of mass clairvoyance (the ability to spy on people using the eyes of other people) and mass clairaudience (the ability to eavesdrop people using the ears of other people), in addition to other abilities of Extra Sensory Perception (ESP), all of which I've gone to great lengths to provide scientifically feasible theories about how such abilities operate in the real world.

They're a group along the lines of a dangerous cult, who are essentially using these abilities to infiltrate society and to take over the world. Hence, most of the focus of these stories is about how they're discovered early on by characters from the Butterfly Dragon, who begin their own effort to investigate this group, all the while uncovering and exposing the methods and techniques employed by the group, whose existence is tied into the fate of the entire universe. If you've been reading The Two Dragons and The Two Butterflies storylines since I began publishing them back in 2018, then you'll already be well familiar with this plot arc and its journey thus far through three novels, and more than thirty episodic and short stories that all connect to the elements of this plot arc, from both The Butterfly Dragon and Tales Of The Sanctum: A Lady's Prerogative.

This new episode will see the return of some familiar, long neglected characters and will visit some very difficult scientific and philosophical questions as they ascend the plot arc of not only this episode, but the arc for the entire Two Dragons and Two Butterflies storylines. This story will signal the beginning of the end game from what began in The Butterfly Dragon III: The Two Dragons. A story arc I've been alluding to since 2012 and the first book: The Butterfly Dragon I: Heroes Of Our Own.

Not only that, but it will be an extra, extra long episode around the length of a full novel or self contained mini-series.

Lost Riff and Crystals Are Forever will also continue, with Lost Riff being finished within a month's time frame so as not to lose momentum with Crystals Are Forever.

Between these adventures, I'll be spending about two or three days a week working in Unreal Engine developing the project I've been working on for the last four months. You'll see it when its ready.

Between all of that, I've had recent run-ins with the harassment cult and got quite upset with them as recently as yesterday, expressing that fact very much as well and rightfully so.

Once again, none of this content is produced by anyone named Bobby, and I am not a guitar player. I only write on the behalf of some of the guitar players of better character who I've had the opportunity to know throughout the course of my life. I don't work as a security guard, and fortunately my metabolism has been kind enough to keep me with a trim and toned body thankfully, though I'd certainly never be discouraging to anyone struggling against issues of their body image. 

I'd only be discouraging with people of a harassing and purposely confrontational nature, especially those who use the movie Fifth Element as a justification for instigating conflict as a test of a person's peaceful nature of their Cain and Abel aspect. Its a good movie, but every war and conflict in history began with a first shot or skirmish attempt, not a second or defending shot. Those in history who failed to defend themselves after a first shot, and in the absence of witnesses to the events at hand, were often rolled over by their attackers and erased from the passage of time. The travesty of the attacker's aggression lost to time, without the presence of those who kept an account of it.

I hope you enjoy, and I'll see you soon with the beginning of that story and some new artwork.

By the way, I'm not Ron Silk and I'm not a Jehovah's Witness nor have I ever been, or a member of Prince Hall with all due respect.

This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.