Recent IP Address Change...
Just another identity theft related heads-up that recently, I've been experiencing short, intermittent internet outtages which I've traced to a neighbour who has access to the coax line that feeds all the apartments on the same floor as my residence, which is used by a variety of different smaller internet service providers.
Those companies lease the line from larger providers like Bell and Rogers, who manage the line installation in the building. Hence, with these apartments that have access to the physical coax line that is run to the network switfch service box, the residents can switch lines to make it appear that what originates from one apartment is coming from another, and vice versa.
Essentially, it means that the activity from one computer to someone monitoring via the internet (there are people who do seem to do that, some of them criminal, some of the law enforcement), will appear to be originating from a different address, essentially meaning that the two billing addresses (even if they're different ISPs) will be swapped. So that activity from one computer appears to be coming from the the other address and so on.
I've indicated that there has been a lot of effort to steal my identity and to steal Shhhh! Digital Media from me, and have it seem to originate from people that have absolutely nothing to do with it. Much the same, in some communities (certainly mine), whenever you go out into the community, your identity is taken from you and while you are out, you're treated as if you're one of the other residents. This is something that the cult in question seems to achieve via colour symbolism. Regardless, what I'm speaking of today doesn't include that, but certainly relates to identity theft and swapping from an internet and address standpoint.
Given the (underground) popularity of Shhhh! Digital Media, which seems to have quite a large following, that would certainly be enough motive for a group of people to do so, in order to repurpose what I'm saying to appear to be originating from a different person or people altogether.
I've explained how there has been this effort to make it appear that my sexual interests are biased racially in the direction of members of the African or Caribbean community, and without being rude I have to say that is absolutely not the case at all, and never has been, and this whole idea is at the center of what this cult appear to be doing. I've stated that I'm a Canadian of European descent (not African, Caribbean or South American with all due respect) and my own love interest is Southeast Asian. There has been excessive effort to identity me as being of a different culture than my own culture of origin (which is a hate crime), and there has been an effort to make it seem that the culture of my love interest is that of persons to whom I feel no attraction, sexually or romantically with all due respect.
The people doing this are doing so as a form of manipulation. If I speak out against this activity, I risk sounding very racist, when that isn't the issue, and in as much, that would put everyone who reads my content regularly in a difficult position, especially if they disagree with my speaking out, which might translate into guilt on their part towards those I'm speaking about in terms of this clarification. Those readers then would feel inclined to clarify that they do not hold the same opinion, and in making that clear, then having to in some way demonstrate it, which would benefit the people conducting the identity theft and the harassment in the first place. So, based upon my investigation of this activity and my experience with it, I'd say that this effort has two goals in mind up front, that aren't aligned with the plot of any of the stories, but benefit from the misimpression of their being the source:
1) They're trying to give people the impression that Shhhh! Digital Media originates from people that it doesn't, and are trying to identify the Shhhh! Digital Brand as belonging to those people.
2) They're trying to manipulate my readers through my reactions to their identity theft/swapping and harassment in such a way, that when I make a statement that readers feel a strong need to dissociate themselves from my point of view, they'll feel compelled to demonstrate this fact to those affected, which will in turn actually benefit the people conducting the identity theft and the harassment.
The membership of this cult have been busy replacing my reputation and history with that of another person locally who has a history of similar to that which I've explained that they're trying to transfer to my identity (a fellow attracted to African and Caribbean women), but also allegedly spread several communicable diseases in the community, both of which I've never had in my life. The effort to stick this identity and reputation, or identities of a very similar ilk have been ongoing for years, if not decades.
As much so, there have been effort to brand me as being a crack cocaine user, even recently, when in fact I've never used crack cocaine in my life. Not even once. I do however support harm reduction, but given recent news, it seems that paradigm is under great strain, with some sites causing a lot of grief for BIAs (Business Improvement Areas) and local businesses throughout the country, and that's sad, because as that pressure builds, it will become what fuels a possibly harsh movement against the harm reduction paradigm.
Actually, when people try to stick things like that to your reputation, its based upon a system of colour symbolism (for which the colour blue represents crack cocaine), and designed in such a way that people use it to trick you into believing that they're taking the best aspects of you (maybe your intelligence or your good heart) and replacing those aspects of your life with their worst and then spending years making that weight as heavy as possible to you as they can.
Remember, that it didn't originate from you. It originated from someone else, and the harassers are making it as heavy as possible for you. I can't blame the person from whom these aspects of life originate, because they likely have nothing to do with it.
The problem is the people between who carry out this activity and make that weight so heavy.
What will then happen, is that my readers will end up with that burden, and yes, this cult will identify them eventually, seeing as they monitor my internet criminally and illegally, and make that weight very heavy to the readers as an attack upon my brand. That is why I can't sell branded merchandise currently, and there has been a concerted effort to prevent me from doing so despite the fact that I have branded merchandise. The pay processing company won't accept any of my identification unfortunately, leading me to believe that there's an effort to prevent me from as much.
What would happen if members of this cult saw someone wearing my brand? Well, likely, given the aggressiveness of harassment and abuse I'm subjected to regularly, I'd be willing to bet that they would experience a lot of stalking, harassment and abuse. I've seen indications that this has happened with some of my readers already, so I'm very cautious about this but in all honesty, why is it that this is allowed to happen?
Even my written protest to this is often attributed to the person or persons with whom my identity is being swapped, and remember that at the bottom of every post on Shhhh! Digital Media, I include my photo, a fact this cult uses to imply that I'm egotistical, which I'm not. I'm just doing what I can to protect my content by associating it with my identity.
Recently, the building of my residence hired a security guard whose face looks quite similar to mine (on a good day), but I don't work as a security guard and never have. Much the same, there are many residents who attempt to walk away with the credit for Shhhh! Digital Media, and though I don't do this for my own ego, I certainly want to see this flourish into something much more, without having a bunch of people steal it.
You don't see the stuff going on behind the scenes, and the hours of work that it takes to get some of the more complex artwork done, and in a volume to keep up so that every week offers something new. Behind the scenes as well, my computer hardware spends a great deal of time crunching numbers for science and Cancer Research, not to mention the fact that when and if I can support charity, I don't advertise that I did. I just do it, and advocate for charity on the site, usually with each story post. So there's a lot going on that isn't visible and as much so, that is always accompanied by the harassment and abuse.
I just wanted this post to clarify that there is a very concerted effort to steal and replace my identity and reputation, and to steal Shhhh! Digital Media from me as well and most recently this seems to involve my internet connection.
FYI, for the more technical of you, the last digits from my IP address recently changed from 11 to 18 (yes, on the same network block), and considering that my IP address has been 11 for the last three years, that is a little odd. I know DHCP lease times on ISP equipment is usually at a default of six months before renewal, but most of the time, the IP address just remains the same unless someone physically alters it. Now, seeing as my ISP leases the line from one of the bigger companies, if someone down the hall from me was to switch the connection, that would make it appear that my computer activity is coming from their residence, while my their computer activity (or gaming console) is coming from my computer.
I don't have a gaming console (except a Nintendo Wii which I occasionally bring out around the holidays for its baseball, tennis and golf), but I do sometimes game in the evenings on my computer. I never play during the day on weekdays unless its a holiday, but I do know professional gamers online who often play E-sports competitively during the day, most often raising money for charity. I think gaming (computer games, card games, sudoku, crossword puzzles and jig-saw puzzles) is a great way in your spare time to keep your brain working smoothly, but you have to balance computer activity with some physical activity too. Its beens shown scientifically that computer use and gaming can help prevent the onset of dementia amongst the aging population. Forget the stigma thrown at gamers, especially older gamers. Its a great way to keep you engaged and your mind actively developing. But in all truth, I'd suggest being physically active to some degree, whether its lifting weights, swimming or even just going for walks.
Lastly, I want to say something about sponsorship. That is, being forced to pay other people for the right to do something that you already know how to do. This seems to be connected to the harassment cult, and with it, there is an effort by this cult to force me to pay other people who've been known to write short stories (but whom are not writers anymore), simply for the right to write, despite the fact that I have on and off again been writing for most of my life. I just rarely spoke about it with others. Recently, this has expanded into people forcing me to pay others sponsorship for the fact I'm a piano player as well, and any other skill I've developed or studied formally over the course of my life. Most of the people who demand this pay are simply scammers, or figureheads of part of a large group of scammers, whom are connected to the harassment cult.
So paying a sponsor usually means that they get the credit for anything that comes from what you're doing that involves their sponsorship. I agree that in martial arts, there is a hierarchy and that you should respect your teachers and their knowledge, and acknowledge the art or your teacher, though most would prefer you to recognize the art itself in some way. The scammers however, are not following this paradigm at all and most are not acredited or formally trained. However, I believe that even if you are not formally trained and licensed in a particular profession, that you shouldn't be made to forcibly pay someone who is, unless you go to them for professional advice during the course of research that is not accessible via research papers and other online reference.
Most of the time when I need to use technical ideas in my stories, I go to great lengths to learn about and understand the paradigm involved, if its something I don't know about already from having done that years earlier. As I've written in the bottom of many posts: the first teachers in history had no acreditations, no certificates or degrees. If you're going to learn something and nobody else knows it or is available to teach you, you have to start somewhere, because all of science and education started that same way. People who weren't qualified or certified, who studied and experimented and through a long and rigorous regimen, eventually were in the position and responsibility to teach others.
I'm grateful that there have been many great and inspiring writers, and I always give credit where its do, but I will absolutely not pay criminal extortionists anything for sponsorship. The criminal code backs me up on that by the way. I have every right to write, and I will and I appreciate every reader, knowing full well that there is always room for me to improve. When I go back and read my early stories, I often cringe, but its a good bearing as to how far I've come since I set about doing it part-time/full-time.
My mind isn't derived from a collective who assume themselves to be the source of what everyone else thinks and the contents of their mind. I don't want to get into what I believe about consciousness, but I can tell you that I don't believe in collective consciousness in the sense of a communal mind. What they're talking about isn't communal at all. Its invasive and its psycho-social rape. I think that such people are full of... well, something you'd find in sewage and I don't mean Phages and clean water.
Its just a cult of people using such justification to take a person's identity and output away, and believe me, there's a lot of corruption supporting this sort of thing.
Anyway, I'm busy with some other things today and probably won't get to publishing anything new today other than this rather long winded heads-up post. I will however be back tomorrow in the late afternoon.
Something to give you perspective: The very first teacher had no formal education, didn't graduate and was self taught, but only because they had no other choice. We do.
Something to give you perspective: The very first teacher had no formal education, didn't graduate and was self taught, but only because they had no other choice. We do.
This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.
This content is entirely produced in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701 under the Shhhh! Digital Media banner.
Produced at Shhhh! Digital Media
200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Produced at Shhhh! Digital Media
200 Sherbourne Street Suite 701
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Copyright © 2024 Brian Joseph Johns